Our Testing Institution

HUMEDIT NIPT along with our partner, Tokyo Clinical Laboratory, offers services to pregnant women that only HUMEDIT can provide.

※Tokyo Clinical Laboratory was accredited by CAP (College of American Pathologists) in April 2022. (What is CAP?→

What is CAP?

Tokyo Clinical Laboratory, with which HUMEDIT NIPT is affiliated, received certification from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) in April 2022.

CAP, which stands for College of American Pathologists, is a third-party certification organization initiated by the American College of Pathologists.
Certification is granted only to third-party organizations that have verified and certified that their examinations are consistent, robust, and valid.
The certification is renewed every two years, and CAP auditors from all over the world visit the laboratory to inspect whether inspections are being conducted in accordance with the rules of the certification body. The inspection verifies that the management and operation of equipment and personnel are being done correctly, and that errors are being verified, reported, and corrective actions are being taken when they occur. Renewal of this certification requires supervision and periodic verification by a laboratory director who has performed administrative duties at a CAP certification body.
In addition, what sets CAP apart from ISO is its biannual validation. During this verification, the actual specimens are sent to each facility by the CAP governing body to verify that the tests are consistent among CAP facilities.